Jim Ramsden
From the internet
Good Afternoon.
I’m Jim, a designer from the UK. I work at Etch where we design and build apps for devices, big and small.
I have a hardwired desire to be better, an instinct for good design, a strong ambition to make a difference on the web, embarrassing hang-ups on semantics, and evangelistic tendencies.
Life so far...
- Breathing since 1982
- Nearly died in 1996
- Met the perfect girl in 2005
- Proposed to her in 2008
- Married her in 2012
Expecting a baby in 2013- Became a Dad in 2013
Thinking about...
- Ecosystems
- Performance
- EdTech
Lover of...
- Barefaced Branding
- Friendly Functionality
- Characterful Copy
- Intuitive Interfaces
- Clean Code
- Simple Sign-up
- Awesome Alliteration
Hater of...
- Bullshit Buzzwords
- Decorative Design
- Copy Cats